WCSC Coach Sissi to be featured in book written by Chelsea Clinton
Earlier this year, Chelsea Clinton wrote and released a children’s book called ‘She Persisted’ about 13 American Women who have changed the World. She is now writing an International Companion called ‘She Persisted Around the World’ which “will feature 13 Incredible Women who overcame adversity to change our world for the better.”
WCSC coach Sissi Lima do Amor has been a tremendous role model and inspiration to women, and will be featured in Ms. Clinton’s new book set for release in March, 2018. Here is the full article: https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=q9c7DwAAQBAJ&source=productsearch&utm_source=HA_Desktop_US&utm_medium=SEM&utm_campaign=PLA&pcampaignid=MKTAD0930BO1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIoeeq2Pjd1wIV0UoNCh27AQO2EAQYAyABEgJ2pfD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds&dclid=CKzL1-b43dcCFUwdaQoddtkMMw
Congrats, Sissi!!! A well-deserved honor