2019/20 U8 Academy Program (2012 & 2013 birth year)


Our U8 Academy offers professional training in a fun atmosphere focusing on the players individual skill development while introducing them to the world of soccer.  Our Academy offers a summer, fall and spring session that allows players the flexibility to participate in one, two or all sessions during the 2019/20 season.  Academy training sessions are usually two times a week for one hour.  We also offer soccer play dates along with local East Bay soccer club in a structured, positive soccer experience and managed by the Academy coaches.  For more information, please contact our Academy Coordinator, Rob Terry at rob@wcsc.org or our Director of Coaching, Adam Cooper at adam@wcsc.org.

U8 Academy Player Evaluations will be on Tuesday, April 23rd and Thursday, April 25th at 4:00pm to 5:00pm at Arbolado.

No registration required for our evaluations - just show up and check in at our WC Surf Soccer Club desk.

Players are encouraged to wear athletic shorts, shirt, soccer cleats and shin guards.


2019/20 Season

  • Summer Session:
    Tuesday & Friday - June 11th - 21st and July 9th -26th
  • Fall/Winter Session:
    Tuesday & Friday - August 13th - November 15th, January 7th - January 28th
  • Spring Session:
     Tuesday & Friday - March 3rd - April 3, April 14th - May 1st

*Generally 2 training sessions per week and scheduled play dates with other area clubs


  • Professional WCSC Trainers at all trainings
  • Proven advantage in developing young talent
  • WCSC Trainers are licensed, fingerprinted, and background checked.

Cost (2019/20) - NEW PRICING

  • $150.00 Registration Fee: Covers costs of fields, registration, operations staff, and equipment.
  • Training Fee: Covers costs of the professional training/coaching.
  • Summer session (only) $100.00
  • Summer and Fall/Winter sessions $200.00
  • Summer, Fall/Winter and Spring sessions $300.00.

Team Formation

  • All U8 aged players will make the Academy.
  • The group will start out in one large pool and will be divided by the trainers based on the best environment for player development.

  Team Jobs

  • Each family is required to fill the following mandatory positions on your team; manager, treasurer, parent assistant coach (chosen by trainer). Other jobs include: team bench, social coordinator(s), fundraising coordinator, apparel coordinator, and tournament coordinator.

Playing up

  • ALL U8 aged players will make the Academy. We strive to keep all age groups in the Competitive Program “age pure”, but have guidelines in place for playing up.
    1. Apply online to attend the ID sessions.
    2. Attend the ID dates to see if the competitive program / U8 Academy is right for your child.
    3. Attend the ID sessions and be in the top 3 of the U8 player pool. U7 age players are able to tryout for the U8 Academy, but must attend at least one of the ID dates and must be recommended by the trainer to the U8 program.
    4. DOC approval.